The purpose of this site is simply to provide information, nothing less, nothing more. Shows frequently are held Florida, and there is no central clearing house to handle that information. We aim to provide that service.
Collectors looking for a show -- click on the SHOW button and all the shows currently registered with the site will be displayed. Important information such as location, dates, hours of show, and contact information is provided. Please mention to the show promoter and the dealers at the show that you found the information on this site.
Show promoters -- please click on the SERVICES button, to arrange for information on your up-coming Florida shows to be placed. We will place information for up to one year in advance, thus giving you a great deal of exposure time. This makes your life easier as a show manager and also makes it a lot easier for the public to find shows.
This site will not be held responsible for any changes in show
information that happens at the last minute -- we strive to give you the most
information available, however always remember, things can and often do happen!
We do not endorse any one show.