
We will provide 3 levels of listing services. In addition there is a limited number of yearly sponsors available.

All listings can be made for up to one year before the show date.

Basic Listing
Includes --show title, location, dates, and hours of operation --- at no charge. There are no active links in this Basic Listing and the listing will not appear on the Featured Events listing on the home page.
Standard Listing
Include all of the above listed in the Basic listing and contact phone number, contact name, show flyer, venue pictures (if desired), directions, e-mail contact, and display on the sites home page, for $25.00 per listing.
Plus Listing
If more is needed (like a full blown page for your show) just let us know, and we can work just about anything out! This listing starts at $60.00 and goes up, depending on the nature of what is requested.
Sponsors (limited number)
One year rate of $100, to include an active link and basic company information.